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Olivier Poivre d’Arvor
Envoyé spécial du Président de la République pour la Conférence Océan des Nations Unies, Ambassadeur de France pour Océan et les Pôles
Ibrahima Kalil Gueye
Chief of Staff, Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, Republic of Guinea.
Denys Reva
Researcher in Maritime Security, Institute for Security Studies
Antoine Sallé de Chou
Directeur, BERD Maroc
Carole Martinez
Policy Manager, MedPan
Valérie Verdier
President and CEO of the Institute for Research for Development, Marseille, France
Hamza Abdou Azali
The Managing Director of INRAP
Ashok Adicéam – Modérateur
Head of the International Division, UN - United Nations Ocean Conference - France 2025
Fatou Sock
Regional Coordinator, Coastal Fisheries Initiative, FAO, Roma
Alejandro Abellán García de Diego
Director-General for the Coordination of the Single Market and Other European Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Cooperation of Spain.
Patricia Ricard
President of the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute
Thierno Moussa Diallo
Head of the Coastal Monitoring and Protection Department, Republic of Guinea.
Fedra Francocci – Modératrice
Director of the BlueMissionMed CSA project, supporting the Mediterranean Lighthouse of the EU Mission on Ocean and Waters
Samira Draoua
CEO Econocom France - President of Les Abeilles International
Ahmed Lefgih
Executive Director of the Trust Fund for the Banc d'Arguin and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity (BACoMaB Trust Fund)
Omar Hilale
Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations & President of the First Committee, Sixty-Sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Torsten Thiele
Director, Global Ocean Trust, Germany
Rémy Rioux
The President of Agence Française de Développement, France.
David Wilima
Researcher in Maritime Security, Institute for Security Studies
Nizar Baraka
Minister of Equipment and Water, Morocco
Raphael Danglade – Modérateur
Director, Climate & Development, Africa-Europe Foundation
Ayivi Ernest Tindo
Chairman of the Continental Executive Board of the Pan-African Youth Organisation for the Blue Economy (OPJEB)
Adil Chikhi
Regional Director, BERD
Sarra Sefrioui
Professor, Faculty of Law Tangier (Law of the Sea)
José Maria Costa
Secretary of State for Maritime Affairs
Bouchta El Moumni
President of Abdelmalek Saadi University.
Barkha Mossaë
Regenerative Blue Economy Manager, IUCN
Claire Martin
Vice President CSR CMA CGM Group, France.
Laré Batouth Penn
Head of Cabinet, Haut Conseil pour la Mer
Aliou Ba
Senior Ocean Campaign manager, Greenpeace Africa
Tamara Thomas
Executive Director & Ocean Adviser
Adil Azghar
Professor in Oceanography and Coastal Management
Elhadi Eltorjmani
Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Fisheries Wealth.
Adel Mohamed Sultan
Minister of Marine Resources of the GUN, Libya
Driss Dahak
Member, Royal Academy of Morocco.
Mamadou Sidibé
Conservator of National Parks, Director of Community Protected Marine Areas, Senegal.
Vladimir Ryabinin
Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and Deputy Director-General of UNESCO.
Vincent Doumeizel
Senior Advisor United Nations Global Compact / Director Food Programme Lloyd's Register Foundation / Author
Reem AlMealla
CEO et Scientifique Marine, Nuwat for Environmental Research & Education, Bahreïn.
Branson Skinner
Co-Founder & Executive Producer The Or Foundation
Ricardo Serrão Santos
Chercheur Principal et Professeur, à l'Université des Açores, ancien ministre de la Mer, Portugal
Richmond Kennedy Quarcoo
Executive Director of Plastic Punch
Abdeljalil Lahjomri
Permanent Secretary of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco
Maïmouna Saleck
Freelance Photojournalist & Consultant in Citizen Journalism Training, President of the NGO BiodiverCités.
Corrine Almeida
Biologist Oceanographer & Director of the Master's Program in Climate Change and Marine Sciences (WASCAL).
Stéphanie Bouziges-Eschmann
Secretary-General of the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)
Geneviève Pons
Directrice Générale de Europe Jacques Delors, membre Africa-Europe Fondation
Sekou Amadou Diakite
National coordinator, RENASCEDD, Guinea
Ahmed Senhoury
Executive Director, Regional Partnership for Marine and Coastal Conservation, Senegal
Zainaba Abdallah Bachirou
President of the Women's Association in the Maritime Sector in Comoros.
Rym Benzina
Chairwoman of la Saison Bleue
Pascal Lamy
President of the World Sea Forum-Bizerte & Co-Chair of the Africa-Europe Strategy Group on Ocean Governance.
Alfredo Giron
Director of Oceans, World Economic Forum.
Leticia Carvalho
Head of the Marine and Freshwater Branch, UNEP
Amel Hamza-Chaffai
Professeur Universitaire/ Vice présidente de la Task force Afrique (IOC-UNESCO), Académie Tunisienne des Sciences - Beit al Hikma
Jean-Paul Adam
Former Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs (Seychelles), Director of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
Jyoti Mathur-Filipp
Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), Kenya.
Elham Mahmoud Ali
Professor of oceanography, coordinator of the sixth IPCC report University of Suez, Egypt + IPCC, Egypt
Lt-Colonel Abdou Aziz Ndiaye
Deputy Director of Marine Protected Areas in Senegal.
Malak Al Kaud
Responsable des partenariats et de l'engagement, Wave Initiative, Arabie Saoudite
Thomas Sberna
Regional Manager, Coastal and Ocean Resilience, IUCN, Nairobi, Kenya.
Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy
Chair of the Board of Directors of the MIHARI network and CEO of Beolobe, Madagascar.
Arthur Tuda
Executive Director of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), Tanzania.
Peter Thomson
Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Ocean
Pierre Bahurel
CEO Mercator Ocean.
Catherine Chabaud
Initiator of the Appeal for the Ocean as a Common Good for Humanity, Member of the European Parliament for Renew Europe, France.
Nancy Karigithu
Co-Chair of the Africa-Europe Strategy Group on Ocean Governance, Special Envoy of Kenya for the Oceans and Blue Economy.
Charlina Vitcheva
Director-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, DG MARE, European Commission.
Vincent N’Cho Kouaoh
Vice-Governor of the Autonomous District of Abidjan
Said Salim
Director-General, National Maritime Affairs Agency (ANAM), Comoros.
Siri Bjune
the Head of the Global Maritime Crime Programme (GMCP) at UNODC.
Aboud S. Jumbe
Principal Secretary at the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries in Zanzibar
Sunday to Wednesday
December 23 to 26, 2022
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